We often speak of learning the alphabet, as learning our A.B.C.’s, because, as we all know, these are the first three letters. This is about the first thing a child learns, often before even starting school. Yet there are many older people, some of them very wise in this world too, who do not know the “A.B.C. of the gospel.” There are three verses I would like to look at today, the first beginning with A, the second with B, and the third with C, which make God’s way of salvation very simple — as simple as A.B.C.! And to learn them and believe them in your heart is far more important than learning the first three letters of the alphabet!
The text for A is found in Romans 3, verse 23. “ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD.” We are all sinners in the prence of a holy God, and He cannot have us in His glory with our sins upon us. We come short of it. Let us tell God that we believe this — that we know it is true of us.
Then the text for B is found in John 1, verse 29. “BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, WHICH TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD!” The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, whom God sent into this world to take away our sins. We are all sinners, and if God is going to take us to heaven our sins must be put away, and so in those three hours of darkness on the cross of Calvary, God placed upon the Lord Jesus all the sins of all who would believe, and punished Him in our stead. Will you tell God that you believe this too?
The text for C is spoken by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 11, verse 29. “COME UNTO ME, ALL YE THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST.” If we bieve what God says, that we are siers, and also that He sent His Son to die for us, then — how wonderful— we can come to the Lord Jesus, with all our heavy burden of sins, and He will wash away every one of them in His precious blood. Then we will have rest. We will not be troubled about our sins any longer, because we know they are gone.
How simple it is: we are sinners, the Lord Jesus died for our sins, we come to Him and are saved. Have YOU done it?
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
ML 02/26/1956