The All-Sufficiency of Christ.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
IT should be the common delight of all His saints to trace the Lord Jesus in all His goings. For where are we to have our eternal joys but in Him and with Him? What is suited to our delights if Jesus and His ways be not? What is there in any object to awaken joy that we do not find in Him? What are those affections and sympathies which either command or soothe our hearts that are not known in Him? Is love needed to make us happy? If so, was ever love like His? If beauty can engage the sense, is it not seen to perfection in Jesus? If the treasures of the mind delight us in another, if richness and variety fill and refresh us, have we not all this in its fullness in the communicated mind of Christ? Indeed, we should challenge our 'hearts to find their joys in Him. For we are to know Him so forever. And learning the perfections and beauties of His blessed Word is one of the many helps which we have whereby to advance in our souls this joy in the Lord.
J. G. B.