After all the grave and wise speculations on the last trump, I strongly suspect it is merely an allusion to military matters. Somewhere in Josephus’ war, and perhaps in other books, we have the order of the breaking up of the Roman camp, and at the last trump they all break up and march forward. Now, I acknowledge that Scripture interpretation is not to be borrowed from without; but I have seen only tortured linking’s with other passages within. I am content to take the general idea of the last public call of God relating to the Church, and leave it there; but what suggested the image, I suspect, was what I say: just as κέλευσμα, in 1 Thess. 4., beyond controversy, is a similar military term used to a similar purpose. Matt. 24:31 (“ And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet”), I have not the smallest shadow of a doubt, applies to the assembling of the Jews (elect, as Isa. 65.) after Christ is come.