The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
The ant lion, sometimes called the “doodlebug,” when fully grown looks like a large dragonfly. The name “ant lion” comes from its activity in its larva stage. Its long, strong jaws are the largest part of its body. As a larva it has a special appetite for ants, and one that is caught in its jaws must certainly think it has been caught by a lion, because it will not be able to escape.
The ant lion has an interesting way of catching ants. It digs a cone-shaped pit about two inches deep in sand or loose soil. This trap looks like a miniature volcano. It buries itself at the bottom of the pit leaving only its jaws and part of its head exposed.
An ant coming to this pit is curious and goes to the edge to look over. On the rim it loses its footing in the loose sand and falls down the sloping side. It tries and tries to climb back up, but the surface is too loose and finally it slides to the bottom. The ant lion quickly grabs it in its sickle-shaped jaws and makes a meal of it. The ant lion sometimes attracts ants to the pit by throwing sand or little pieces of gravel in the air.
We might wonder how this little creature knows how to build its trap and how to attract its victims. The larva goes about this just as soon as it hatches without having had a lesson or having learned by watching others. This is another example of an instinct given by the Creator to enable His creatures to survive through an immature period of its life.
Its methods remind us of the great enemy of our souls, Satan, who has many traps set to catch us. One of these is a natural curiosity on our part to want to explore things of the world that only lead to sorrow. The Bible tells us that Satan is the god of this world; and we can never stand up against him in our own power.
However, there is One who is mightier than Satan, the Saviour of all who trust in Him. “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4. He has provided an armor that allows us to stand against this wicked enemy. Those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour are urged to “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” This armor includes the “shield of faith"; the “helmet of salvation"; and the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (See Eph. 6:11-17).
If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are a servant to sin and to Satan. You need to find an escape from his trap. Escape is only by turning to Christ, confessing your need of Him, and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. You will find Him ready and able to release you from Satan’s grasp.