Scripture tells us that though even in the apostles' days there were many antichrists, yet there was one still to come, called the Antichrist (1 John 2:18) distinguished from all the rest.
That he will be a descendant from some Jewish family seems clear, for it is said that he will not "regard the God of his fathers" (Dan. 11:37), who but a Jew could be thus described? He will arise out of the earth (as the land of Israel is often spoken of), that is, out of some already formed organization; but the Roman power, with which he will work, arises out of the sea, that is, from the mass of the peoples (Gentiles): Rev. 13:1-11.
As the name Antichrist implies, he will profess to be some great anointed one. He is described as having two horns like a lamb (in imitation of Christ the Lamb of God), though he speaks as a dragon (Satan): Rev. 13:11.
He will be able to work miracles, by means of which he will deceive those that dwell upon the earth, Rev. 13:14. Yet, his coming is "after the working of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders:" 2 Thess. 2:9.
He will deceive the Jews. Our Lord foretold that while they refused Him who came in the name of His Father, they would receive another who would come in his own name: John 5:43. Rev. 13 shows how the Roman Empire and Satan are combined with Antichrist to carry on their opposition to God and to His saints. Their union and action are so complete that it is not always easy to distinguish the actors.
Antichrist will deceive the professing church. We are instructed that there is at present that which hinders the development of the Antichrist, but when that (or He) is removed, then the man of sin, that wicked one, with his signs and wonders and deceivableness of unrighteousness, will delude those that received not the love of the truth: 2 Thess. 2:7-10.
Antichrist will lead into idolatry. He will honor the god of forces, and a god whom his fathers knew not will he honor with gold and silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things: Dan. 11:38. He causeth the dwellers on earth to worship the first beast (head of the Roman empire), and also to worship an image of this beast, to which he will give life: Rev. 13:12-15.
The Antichrist is distinct from Papal Rome and the Pope, for doctrinally the Antichrist is described as denying the Father and the Son, and denying Jesus Christ come in the flesh (1 John 2:22; 4:3; 2 John 7*), which Rome does not deny. Besides, we find Papal Rome delineated in the Revelation as a woman, a harlot, and not as a beast. The seven mountains on which she sits clearly point to Rome: see Rev. 17, 18.
(* In the three passages it should read the Antichrist.)
All this goes to show how direful will be the delusion that Satan with the head of the Roman empire and Antichrist, will bring upon both the Jewish nation and professing Christendom. The profession of Christianity in every form will be abolished, and they will then introduce idolatry, and put to death those that will not submit, and cause their followers to receive a mark of identification.
Of Antichrist we read that the Lord shall consume him with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming, 2 Thess. 2:8. "The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet [anti-Christ].... these both were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone." (Rev. 19:20.) Satan will be finally cast into the same place, where the beast and the false prophet will then have been for more than a thousand years.
Alas, we see how many are getting ready to receive such an one: may God preserve His saints in the love of the truth, not yielding in any way to the spirit of Antichrist which is working and rapidly undermining the authority of scripture.