The recent Los Angeles riots brought the racial strife into focus. In just a few hours the southern part of the city was a seething caldron. It came about through the arrest of a drunken driver, and the enraged citizens defending the offender. Tempers flared; before long liquor stores were looted, and people were inflamed by alcohol. Things went from bad to worse very quickly, as the spirit of mob violence took over. 36 persons died, and many hundreds were seriously injured. Looting began in earnest. Many blocks were razed by incendiary action; the fire department tried to quell the blazes, but were often hindered from performing their duties. Even ambulances were blocked from getting to the scenes of injured persons.
The next day matters were even worse. Large grocery markets were emptied to the walls, and people took things they really had no need of. Then they put the stores to the torch. The fire department calculated that 1000 fires had been deliberately set, 300 of which became major conflagrations. Automobiles were pillaged, and many were wrecked. Many people procured what are called "Molotov Cocktails," by which they could throw burning liquid on anything flammable. The next night brought with it a complete breakdown of law and order. Many big fires had to be left to burn themselves out, and a heavy pall of smoke hung over the city, which could be seen far out to sea. Never had a breakdown of law and order come so quickly, and with such violence.
We may well note how much lawlessness there is all over the world. 2 Timothy reminds us "that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more [rather] than lovers of God." The very course described by. God is increasing rapidly. The younger generation today are abounding in wickedness, as moral delinquency increases.
One thing that is impressive today is the breakdown of family relationship. For some time the younger generation has been marked by lack of parental authority. Many families are bereft of fathers, and the children are left to shift for themselves. Only the direst consequences will come from these backgrounds. Surely the fear of God is not taught in most homes; and where that is lacking, there is "no fear of God before their eyes" (Rom. 3:18).
But we should remember that the lawless one is soon to "be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth." The antichrist will soon come, and he will be revealed with all "deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish." (2 Thess. 2:8, 10.) Satan will be active with the antichrist, and this world is going to be led on by him. He will first gain the ear of man, and by devious means will deceive many. Many will be led on by him, and apostate Christendom will accept the antichrist. The time of the lawless one is coming apace. This will speed the apostasy which will accelerate the coming of the broad segment of atheism with its rejection of God and acceptance of the Darwinian theory of evolution.
We who are the Lord's are just waiting for His coming, and the marks of the end are prevalent everywhere. We are persuaded that there is nothing to be looked for in this world but certain judgment, but we wait and watch for His coming to take His own out of the world. May He come soon!