the Atoning Work Is Done.

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IT is very clear that when a thing is finished nothing can be done to make it so.
When we have finished a piece of work it would be folly for another to come and attempt to complete it.
Just so is it with the Lord Jesus. His work He finished. His dying words were “It is finished” (John 19:30). JOH 19:30
What then was the work of Christ which He came to do? Christ's work was “to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself" (Heb. 9:26). HEB 9:26 This work He has done. He came to suffer, "the Just for the unjust" (1 Peter 3:18). 1PE 3:18 This He has done, once and forever.
He came to pay the wages of sin, which is death (Rom. 6:23). ROM 6:23 This He has done to the very uttermost.
The wrath of God was upon the sinner, and Jesus came to do the will of God by bearing His wrath for us, so that we might not perish, but have everlasting life (Heb. 10:9-13). HEB 10:9-13
He was forsaken of God on account of the sinner. “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” was the question of Jesus when on the cross. And what is the answer?
It is that those who believe might never be forsaken; that the sinner, who by nature is at enmity against God, might have peace with God. This peace Jesus has made by His death, and now he who believes on Him is justified, and has peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5). ROM 5
The death of Christ has met all the demands of God against the sinner. His death has fully paid the wages of sin, which is death, and God is just in pardoning and in justifying the ungodly one who believes in Jesus, and by whom all who believe are justified from all things, from which by the law of Moses they could not be justified (Rom. 3:23-26; Acts 13:39). ROM 3:23-26 ACT 13:39
The sinner, then, has nothing to do to make the salvation of God more complete than it is.
“It is finished," and it is free to all who believe in Jesus.
(John 19:30; Heb. 10:12.) JOH 19:30 HEB 19:30
(Heb. 9:26, 28.) HEB 9:26-28
(Rom. 8:1, 2.) ROM 8:1-2