"The Best Friend, is Jesus"

Sapper George Knowles says in one of his happy letters to us:
Dear Dr. Wreford:
“Very many thanks for your kindness in sending me two parcels of Testaments. I received them safely, and have already commenced to distribute. They came at a proper time, and oh, the joy of going round with the precious Word of Life ‘Free.’ I do like that word Free. I am often asked if I am selling them; how glad I am, to say ‘No, I am giving them away Free.’ Through the grace of God I continue witnessing for Christ, Who continues to give encouragement and blessing. I was speaking to a Jew last night; he was more than interested, and became anxious. Oh! I do pray God to open his eyes to see Jesus as his own personal Saviour. I find still that the best Friend to have is Jesus. O praise His name, He lifted me, and He keeps me “lifted” too.’
“It is grand to be saved and to know it, but it is better to be saved and show it.
“As the days go by, amid all the din and confusion there is out here; amid all the difficulties, trials and dangers the Tommy has to face and endure, my Saviour becomes more precious to me―the salvation proves more real., He died to set me free; He lives to keep me free.
“Though I change, circumstances change, other people change―my Saviour knows no change. No one can keep like Him. No one can whisper words of cheer and comfort when we are beset behind and before with danger like He can. ‘Oh! how sweet to call Him mine.’
“The Lord bless you, dear Doctor, and your helpers in Christ Jesus. ―
Yours affectionately in Him, GEO. KNOWLES.”
What a comfort to know that thousands of soldiers at the Front are serving Christ and doing all they can at all times and in all places to bring their comrades to Christ.