The Best Gift

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Mother had to leave home on occasions for several days at a time. Yet whenever she returned she always had a small gift for each of her three little girls.
One day she thought she would come home without the usual presents just to see what they would say. The little ones met her in the hall with expectant faces.
“I’m sorry, my dears,” said Mother, “but I didn’t bring you any presents this time, because...”
“We don’t care, Mamma,” interrupted little Jean, “cause you are the best present.”
How many of us can say to the Lord Jesus: “Lord, Thou art the best gift of all; I would rather have Thee than any earthly gift; Thou art all in all to me"?
“Jesus, Lord Jesus, Thou art all in all to me;
Jesus, Lord Jesus, I would live to Thee.”
“Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee.” Psa. 73:25.