The "Bhisti," the Water Carrier

A writer says:— As most Bible students are aware, these words illustrate the cry of the water-seller as, with his goatskin filled with water across his shoulders, he walketh the streets of Jerusalem. Some may now imagine that in these progressive days, the water carrier is out of date, but, though the West is ever advancing, a n d therefore changing, the East changes but little. Here in India the water carrier, with his goat-skin bottle, still exists. The “Bhisti,” to give him his native name, is very frequently met with, and is an essential member of the community; the only difference seems to be that, whereas the water carrier of olden days “called his wares,” one has more often to call his modern descendant, and a great deal of valuable breath is wasted in shouts of “Ho Bhisto pani las,” before the required individual makes a belated appearance. A little cold water—what small value it appears to have to those who have only to turn on the tap to obtain gallons—yet is there anything in this world that is more valuable? How long could life be sustained without it? Indeed life of every kind would soon become extinct without water. If this is true naturally, it is just as true in a spiritual sense.