The Bible Class: The Use and Abuse of the Various Members of the Body

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The amount of work done on this subject is very great.
The published result alone occupies over nine pages, and, from the introductory note, it appears that it is after all only a selection of the total amount done. We think that the study of any one of the five subdivisions could have afforded a sufficient field for the labors of the class, and certainly would be more than we have time to touch upon. A survey of the subject as given last month shows us that it is a perfect mine of suggestive subjects, and we are sure that our readers will derive far more profit from quietly reading it over than from any remarks we can make upon it here.
Without, therefore, attempting to unfold the subject we will confine ourselves to a few general remarks upon the various members of the body here spoken of.
The eye and the ear are the two entrances to the heart of man; the mouth the hands and the feet are the three channels out of it, through which what is in it finds vent or expression. Bearing this in mind we can trace the course of thoughts both good and evil.
Eve saw
The eye saw (the gate in)
the heart wished
the hand took (the gate out)
Job says (31:7) " If my steps have turned out of the way, and mine heart walked (the feet, the way out) after mine eyes" (the way out of the heart.)
Into the Christian's heart then through Eye-gate and Ear-gate enter The glory of the Lord
God's guiding voice
Unseen things
The words of Christ
Jesus in glory
The words of the wise
The words of God
The blessed hope of Christ's appearing
Joy and gladness
The praise of God
The heavenly city
Once we see that the eye and the ear are the two inlets of the heart, we can understand that, if we would have our hearts full of Christ, we have but to have these two occupied with Him: "Look" Isa. 45:22, and Hear Isa. 55:3. But when once Christ enters the heart He not only fills it, but it overflows, and when it overflows it finds a vent through one of the three channels of the mouth, the hands or the feet.
The mouthwitnessesfor Christ
The hands
for Christ
The feet
after Christ
The mouth speaks truth and that which is good. Eph. 4:25,29.
The hands work the thing which is good, Eph. 4:28.
The feet walk in love and light, Eph. 5:8.
Over thirty varieties of Christian walk are detailed in our subject, and nearly the same number of various ways are given in which we may use our mouth or tongue to God's glory, while on, the other hand, two terrible lists are given as to the ways in which we are not to use these members.
When we consider that, whatever be the state of our heart, it is only through the members of our body it can express itself, and when we remember that our actions and words really are the outflow of what is within, the immense importance of this subject will be seen. Hence the stress laid in Rom. 6 as to how we use, and to whom we yield, our members, inasmuch as through them and them alone, every bit of practical righteousness must be manifested. The old body, so long used in the service of sin, has got a new power to use it, even the new life of Christ; and it is for us to say practically how far, day by day, we deny ourselves (that is denying the use of the body to our old self), and let the life of Christ which is in us flow out of our mortal bodies to God's glory.