The Bible First, Papa.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 1min
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A FAMOUS machinist was seated by his fireside. Near him, playing on the floor, was his only child; a fine little boy of rare intelligence and, gentleness. It was early; the day’s work had not yet begun; and the father took up the daily paper to read. The child, climbing on his knee, and taking hold of the paper, exclaimed, “No, no, papa! the Bible first, the Bible first, papa!”—a recollection of his departed mother’s request. It was a fresh confirmation of the words — “Out of the mouth of babes ... hast Thou ordained strength.”—Psalm 8:2. The child’s hand was stronger than a man’s. The child’s words were—under God—the turning point (it is believed) of the father’s life. He there and then resolved that, by divine help, the Bible should be “first,” before any business of the day. Very soon his child was taken from him; but his little boy’s words were never forgotten. In the crush and throng, and engrossment of a daily-increasing, and ultimately enormous business, the father went forth to his daily work with recognition of a higher Master. “The Bible, first, papa!” was ever ringing in his ears. It became his watchword.
ML 08/12/1906