Here is another little story of how the Word of God can bring light into the dark hearts of the poor heathen. A missionary traveling in Korea, heard of some Christians who lived away up in the mountains. He writes as follows:
“I procured a guide, and after a long and dangerous climb came upon a cabin sheltered just under the highest peak. The people live up there by growing a certain root that is very highly prized for medicinal purposes.
To say that my reception was cordial, is to but feebly express the experience. This was the first missionary ever to come near them, and they were simply delighted.
They told me that they had been praying for years, that God would send them some one to teach them more clearly the Way of Life. They first became interested through a copy of St. Matthew’s Gospel an English missionary had given to the father when he went to have a look at the foreigner’s house in Longdo, eight years before. When they discovered that it was I who had given the book, their delight knew no bounds.
Though shut off from the rest of the world, in their high rocky home, the Light of Life had penetrated even to them, and they had accepted the Gospel in all its simplicity. How true is that verse,
“Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days.” Ecclesiastes 11:1.
ML 02/21/1943