The Bible Tells Us Jesus Came

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
The Bible tells us Jesus came
From glory bright and fair—
God's perfect, sinless, spotless Lamb—
His mercy to declare,
His mercy to declare.
The Bible tells us Jesus died
A sacrifice for sin;
The gates of heaven to open wide,
That we may enter in,
That we may enter in.
The Bible tells us Jesus rose,
And left the silent grave,
Triumphant over all His foes,
The mighty One to save,
The mighty One to save.
The Bible tells us Jesus lives
Again upon the throne;
The blessed proof the Father gives
That mercy's work is done,
That mercy's work is done.
The Bible tells us He will come
To take His saints away,
To dwell with Him in His blest home
Through everlasting day,
Through everlasting day.
The Bible tells us He will reign
O'er all the earth ere long;
When heaven and earth shall wake the strain
Of an eternal song,
Of an eternal song.
The Bible tells us all may come,
And drink at mercy's stream;
That Jesus soon will share this home
With all who trust in Him,
With all who trust in Him.