The Bible

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
“O, what a Bible reading have we here,
Not barren theory – musty, dry and drear –
But Christ, the ‘altogether lovely,’ full in view,
Himself the preacher, text and sermon too.”
And thus we learn that if our souls are to be kept healthy, vigorous, and strong; that if our work for God is to be of an enduring character; that if we are to combat successfully the principalities and powers which are arrayed against us and which are determined to resist every advance in the knowledge of God – we must read and study the Word of God.
“House of treasure! here I find
Food and medicine for the mind,
Sword to wield against the foe,
Helm and shield to ward his blow,
Garments for the heavenly born,
Gems the spirit to adorn,
Songs of praise in sunny hours,
Dirges when the tempest lowers –
But I need not thus go on
Naming treasures one by one;
Why should I the rest recall,
Christ is here, and Christ is all.”
Let me just add, on the other hand, that to the neglect of that Word can be traced joylessness, powerlessness, sin, failure, spiritual disaster. On one of the pages of the Bible belonging to a young friend, these words are written, “This Book will keep me from sin, or sin will keep me from this Book.”
The statement is profoundly true. Love for both can no more co-exist than ice under a tropical sun, or darkness with light.