The world in which we live today is frightening! Politically, there is unrest and tension—there are wars and rumors of wars. Religiously, there is confusion—false leaders and false teachers seem to increase and abound. Economically, there is uncertainty—talk of prosperity is offset by the actuality of unemployment and decreased spending. Physically, there is much suffering in spite of improved medical skills and medication. Mentally, there are increasing problems in spite of excellent educational advantages. Morally, there is a rapid decline. Crime and lawlessness are on the increase!
The combination of all these things is more than many hearts and minds can bear. However, there is a bright lining to this dark cloud. The coming of the Lord is near. He says, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up... for your redemption draweth nigh." This is the blessed hope of every believer in Jesus, the coming Savior. It makes it possible for the child of God to live victoriously in an evil day. It brings joy in the midst of sorrow. It gives comfort in the time of trial.
We want YOU to be sure that this "blessed hope" is yours. Those who have put faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, know that their sins are forgiven; they know that they have passed from death unto life; they know that they have eternal life; they rejoice in the blessed hope of His soon coming. Is this your hope? If not, accept Christ today!