The Blood of Christ

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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An old man sat reading his Bible. He did not understand how the blood Jesus shed on the cross nearly 2000 years ago could wash his sins away now. And five-year-old Brendan asked, “Mommy, where do they keep the blood of Jesus so it can wash away our sins?” Maybe some of you who are reading this have the same questions.
God does not tell us we have to understand His Word, but He wants us to believe it. The blood of Jesus does clean us from all our sins. It is true however it happens. I believe it because God said it.
Here is a true story that will help us to understand the blood of Christ. In Exodus 12 the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. They had to work for the Egyptians and their king, called Pharaoh. They were not free.
God sent Moses to tell them that one night He was going to punish the country of Egypt. He said that the firstborn in every house would die, including the oldest child in Pharaoh’s family, and even the firstborn of the cows and sheep.
There was one way anyone could escape death. They must take a lamb from their flocks. It could not be blind or lame. It had to be a perfect lamb, one without any bruises or sores. After they kept it for four days they must kill it and catch its blood in a basin. Then that blood must be put on the sideposts and tops of the doors of their houses.
Each family had to go inside and shut the door. Inside they ate the roasted lamb. The blood was on the outside and they were on the inside. Do you think they could see the blood while they were inside? No, they would not be able to see it. Were they safe? Yes, they were.
They did not have to see the blood, and the Bible tells us why. God had said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” Exodus 12:13. Did it make any difference whether or not the people could see the blood? No! As long as God saw the blood on the door, those inside were safe.
We do not need to know how it works or where it is. We only need to believe what God has said.
Jesus is God’s Lamb. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” John 1:29. Since Jesus never sinned and never could sin, He was the perfect Lamb needed for the sacrifice. He gave His life and His blood was shed. God sees the blood; He is satisfied with the sacrifice. The sinner who believes is saved.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. Jesus said, “He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” John 6:47.
The old man in our story believed, and his sins were washed away. He has since died and gone to be with the Lord Jesus. The little boy has also believed, I think, and so his sins are gone. What about you? Do you believe on the Lord Jesus? Has His blood washed your sins away? If so, why not thank Him for doing that for you.