LEV. 16:14; HEB. 12: 24.
WHEN first to Jesus' cross I came,
My heart o'erwhelmed with sin and shame,
Conscious of guilt, and full of fear,
Yet, drawn by love, I ventured near;
And pardon found, and peace with God,
In Jesus' rich atoning blood.
My sin is gone, my fears are o'er;
I shun God's presence now no more:
With child-like faith I seek His face,
The God of all abounding grace:
Sprinkled before the throne of God,
I see that rich atoning blood.
Before my God my Priest appears-
My Advocate the Father hears;
That blood is e'er before His eyes,
And day and night for mercy cries;
It speaks, it ever speaks to God,
The voice of that atoning blood.
By faith that voice I also hear;
It answers doubt, it stills each fear:
Th’ accuser strives in vain to move
The wrath of Him whose name is love:
Each charge against th' elect of God
Is silenced by th' atoning blood.
Here I can rest without a fear;
By this to God I now draw near,
By this I triumph over sin,
For this has made and keeps me clean;
And when I reach the throne of God,