As Paul’s journey to Rome begins, the Spirit of God records that there were others who were also going with him. There were prisoners, the centurion and his soldiers sent to guard the prisoners, Luke (the one who recorded the journey), Aristarchus, and perhaps others.
When the ship stopped at port, the centurion kindly gave Paul liberty to go to his friends where he could be comforted and encouraged. The weather did not allow the ship to follow the course that the master had wished. However, God allowed it to find safe anchorage in a place called “Fair Havens.” Here Paul issued a warning - they should stay here rather than attempting to go further on the voyage before winter. But the centurion did not heed Paul’s advice. The appearance of Fair Havens did not please him - and so they left, intending to find a more comfortable port to winter in.
Not long after this, a terrible storm broke upon the ship and the journey which had started with so much promise of comfort and fair sailing became a journey into a raging tempest.
1. Though the world counted Paul a prisoner - one possibly guilty of wrongdoing in the eyes of the world - the Spirit of God is careful to record a difference between Paul and “certain other prisoners.” It must have been a great comfort to the Apostle to realize that the Lord fully understood his love for the Jews and Paul’s motives for what he had done. Though men judge based on what they see on the outside, how does God judge? 1 Samuel 16:___
2. When Paul was given the opportunity, he sought fellowship with those who were his friends. To whom did the disciples go when they were released by the Jewish leaders early in Acts? Acts 4:___
3. As days grow darker for Christians in this world, what are we encouraged to continue doing - and even to increase doing? Hebrews 10:___
4. Paul warned those in charge of the ship that they should not try to leave Fair Havens, for it would be dangerous to start on such a journey. How did Paul characterize the worldly Corinthian believers when he warned them?
1 Corinthians 4:___
5. The master of the ship did not want to stay at Fair Havens because it was not a comfortable place to spend the winter. Paul often recounts the things he suffered in his pathway of service for the Lord Jesus. What kind of pathway will those who seek to glorify God find in this world? 2 Timothy 3:___