Millions of India's Hindus wash themselves in the Ganges River to purify themselves from sin and to testify to their devotion to their religion. They count themselves happy if they die on the banks of the Ganges or if their ashes can be committed to its waters.
A Brahmin student, who had tried without success to rest his soul in these sacred rites of his religion, heard the gospel of the grace of God preached at a festival. He bought a Bible in the Telegu language. As he read it alone the Spirit of God convinced him of his sinfulness and showed him the way of salvation through faith in Christ alone.
He believed the gospel, was saved, and confessed Jesus as his Savior and Lord. Family and friends immediately disowned him.
He went to a so-called "Christian land" and was amazed to find that many were not much further advanced than the Hindus of India who bathe in the Ganges to wash away their sins. He found some trusting in their baptism or christening or confirmation, others in their faithful attendance at religious services, and many depending on the good things they had done for others as the hope of their salvation. Some were even denying the truth of the Bible that they had sent out to convert the people of India.
The shocked young Brahmin wrote: "I solemnly say it is not the water but the blood that cleanses from sin, not man's works but Christ's work that justifies sinners before God, not human religion but regeneration by the Spirit that fits a soul for heaven. Nothing saves but Christ. The knowledge of my sin and of His cleansing blood brought me to God."
"The gospel is the power of God to save a Hindu like me, and 'Christian' people like you. There is only one Savior, one salvation, one way. Some of you deny the Bible; I receive it. I proved its truth. I know its power. It has brought life to my soul, joy to my heart, and rest to my spirit. I commend Jesus Christ to one and all — His blood alone to cleanse, His power to save."
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.