The Brazen Laver.

In this laver the priests washed their hands and feet, and thus maintained that purity which was essential to the proper discharge of their priestly functions. It was not by any means a question of a fresh presentation of blood; but simply that action by which they were preserved in fitness for priestly service and worship... There can be no true communion with God, save as personal holiness is diligently maintained “If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth” (1 John 1:6). This personal holiness can only flow from the action of the word of God on our works and ways. “By the words of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.” Our constant failure in priestly ministry may be accounted for by our neglecting the due use of the laver. If our ways are not submitted to the purgative action of the word, if we continue in the pursuit or practice of that which the word distinctly condenses, the energy of our priestly character will assuredly, be lacking. Deliberate continuance in evil and true priestly worship are incompatible... The man who has constant recourse to the word of God, and who allows that word to tell upon his heart and conscience, will be maintained in the holy activities of the divine life.
C. H. M.