The Chased Chicken

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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A FRIEND of mine had a pet chicken which he allowed to run freely in his garden. One day he was disturbed by a loud squawking and hastening into the garden he saw his pet fleeing up the path in terror, pursued by a strange black dog. Quickly placing himself at the end of the garden path, my friend stooped down and stretching out his hands waited for the oncoming pair.
The chicken, seeing its master, fled straight for him and took refuge in his outstretched arms. While its little frame still quivered with alarm, my friend gently placed his pet within the breast of his coat, where in safety it soon quieted down with relief. The strange black marauder was soon chased from the garden and my friend took care to shelter his pet from further attacks of its enemy.
I would like to ask you, my young friends, have you acted as wisely as this poor bird? It knew it could not save itself from its foe, so it fled for refuge to its friend and deliverer. Now we all have a common enemy—Satan, the devil, the destroyer of souls. If you are unsaved then you are exposed to the power of Satan, as well as sin and its judgment. But there is a place of refuge — Jesus the Friend and Saviour of sinners is waiting to receive and to save all who flee to Him for refuge.
When my friend placed the little bird inside his coat against his breast it made me think of how sweetly it is said of the blessed Lord Jesus in Isaiah 40:11: “He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom.”
Also my friend took care to drive the dog away and to provide for the future safety of his pet. How much more does Scripture say of one who is “begotten of God” and “safe in Christ": “that wicked one toucheth him not.” 1 John 5:18. So surely does the Son of God protect and preserve His own.