The Church the Body of Christ.

It is a wonderful thought that every believer of this period is a member of the body of Christ, united to Him in the heavens by the Holy Ghost. Such a position of blessing was only possible after the accomplishment of redemption and the exaltation of Christ as man to the right hand of God. “By one Spirit are we all baptized into one body,” and the Spirit did not descend for this purpose until the Lord Jesus went on high.
It is highly important for every believer to hold fast the fact that union with Christ is on resurrection ground only. Many are vague as to this. Some speak of His incarnation, as though that was the beginning of this Marvelous union. That could not be, as a moment’s serious consideration will show. How could holy humanity (which that of Jesus was) link itself with fallen man? The idea must be put far away, as derogatory to the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Recall His own words in John 12:24, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” Had He continued among men, union would have been out of the question, however blessed in many other respects His personal presence might be.
This scripture makes another point plain also—there was no link with Him even in death. The fruitfulness of the true corn of wheat followed death. There he was solemnly alone. Man turned from Him, even His own beloved disciples, and Jehovah put Him to grief. None could be with Him in those unutterable depths. He and He alone could sustain what the holiness of God required, and accomplish the mighty work of redemption. It was for us, undoubtedly, but He was alone in the glorious work.
Death being passed, and its power broken, our sins being all put away, the blessed fruit is seen. As the risen One He associates with Himself all who believe in His name. In Ephesians, where we get the heavenly side of the truth of the one body, Christ is presented to us as One Who was dead, but raised up by God to sit at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Having thus highly exalted Him, He “gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:20-23).
The Holy Spirit is the living link. He has come from the glory to make known the perfection of the work of Christ, and the divine delight in it, and to bring us into eternal participation with the risen One in all that has accrued to Him through His work. Through faith and the reception of the Spirit, we are brought into all the advantages of His risen position. On the one hand, sins are all gone, judgment is past, our old man judged and set aside; on the other, we are accepted in His acceptance, loved by the Father with the love wherewith He loves the Son, and blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. Such is our blessed portion, in the infinite grace of God.
Such a place and portion was not known, nor could be, in Old Testament times; but it is now the portion of all believers, whether Jew or Gentile. The Jewish election according to grace, and the Gentiles who are being gathered out for His name, are now brought together into one body (Rom. 11:5; Acts 15:14). Circumcision nor uncircumcision avails nothing here; all is according to the counsels of divine grace and love. The middle wall of partition, put up originally by God Himself, is now broken down. The enmity between the two, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, was abolished in the flesh of Christ. “One new man” is the result, all being alike brought into peace and reconciliation with God. Instead of all the favors being with the Jew, as in the past dispensation, “through him [Christ] we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father” (Eph. 2).
Formerly there were but two classed in the world; the Jews, the chosen people of God, and the Gentiles, all who were outside the Jewish circle. Now there are three classes—the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church of God (1 Cor. 10:32). When a man believes the gospel and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost, he passes out of his Jewish or Gentile position and relationship, and is brought into that wonderful unity called “the church of God.” Marvelous place! Blessed relationship! The Lord grant to each of our readers to understand it better and to enjoy it more thoroughly.