THE apostles preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified; and, not only so―they proclaimed His coming again and “the kingdom of God.” (Acts 28:31.) In the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the apostle John thus connects himself with the persecuted people of God: “I... your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ” (ch. 1:9). Tribulation, kingdom patience, are remarkable in their connection. Instead of the peace of the kingdom, the tribulation, the sorrows, the martyrdoms of God’s people; instead of its glory, patience in its anticipation. And the patience is connected also with Him who is the King, and of whose coming the book of Revelation speaks. The Lord is” the Prince of the kings of the earth”; all kingdoms and dominions are His by right: but at present He sways not the scepter of the nations of the earth and He is disowned as the “King of nations.” Instead of occupying earth’s royal throne, He is despised and rejected of men. He sits upon the throne of the right hand of divine majesty, waiting there in patience according to the word, “Sit thou on My right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool.” (Heb. 10:13) But, though the kingdom tarry, it shall be established: “Thy kingdom come, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” is no vague petition; it shall surely be fulfilled.
The world is unquiet, society upheaves, nations are arming and spending their substance in weapons devised for their mutual destruction. Let the Christian proclaim the coming of the King. Jesus shall reign. He was scornfully entitled upon the cross, in the chief languages of the world of nineteen hundred years ago, “the King of the Jews”; presently it shall be known in every language and nation, that He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He shall have His rights upon this earth; He shall put down all evil and sin. The iniquities of this day shall be purged out of the world; righteousness shall rule when He comes to earth to reign. Idolatry and blasphemy shall be cast out; the huge armaments of the nations shall be abolished; the upheaving’s of society shall cease, and His kingdom shall be established on the firm foundation of obedience to God’s will.
It would he well if men would test their hopes and their behavior on this earth in relation to the kingdom of God; and it is well for the Christian to look on to the glorious day of Christ’s reign on the earth.