The Coming of the Lord.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
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In Matt. 25:1-13, the Lord Jesus tells us a beautiful story and we may be sure that He meant to teach by it an important lesson. All the virgins “slumbered and slept.” This was not right, for we learn from verse 13 that we are to watch. However, when the cry was made, “Behold the bridegroom,” they all arose and trimmed their lamps, but only the five wise virgins, who had oil in their lamps, were ready, and went in with the bridegroom to the wedding feast. The five foolish virgins were not ready, and when they came to the door they found it shut. What a scene is here presented! Within, all is light, and for all the happy wedding guests, there is feasting and music and merry making; without, in the darkness, is heard the hopeless cry of the foolish virgins, “Lord, Lord, open to us.”
Now if you read the first three verses of John 14, you will see what the Lord would have us looking forward to He tells us that He is gone to prepare a place for us and that He is coming again to receive us to Himself. All, who love the Lord, and know His word, are saying to themselves every day, “Jesus is coming, and He may come today.” Do you not think it was very good of the Lord Jesus to give His people such a hope ere He went away from this earth? If you want very interesting details about the coming of the Lord, study 1 Thess. 4:13-18. You will find many other passages that point to the same glad hope, and if we learn this precious lesson aright, we will not be careless, or fall asleep, as did the ten virgins. Show me the boy or girl who is looking for the Lord to come, and I will show you a bright, happy face; hands that serve diligently, and feet that run quickly in the path of obedience. It cannot be otherwise, for this bright hope gives constant joy of heart, and each day’s waiting only gives another opportunity for happy service in a world that is not our home, but is yet a place where the Lord does need workers, and where every little service, if done for His glory, will be rewarded.
How many scriptures can my little readers find that tell of the coming of the Lord? R. M.
ML 02/04/1900