The Coming of the Son of Man.

2 Peter 3
HEAR what the Lord hath spoken,
Who never spake in vain;
His word can ne’er be broken: ―
That He will come again.
He’ll first take those that fear Him
To dwell with Him above,
That they may e’er be near Him,
At home with Him they love.
Then from the heav’nly regions,
With all His saints He’ll come,
His train th’ angelic legions,
To pour on earth its doom.
With swiftness, like the lightning,
He’ll shine on all below;
His glorious presence height’ning
The anguish, fear, and woe.
Though mockers now are saying,
With lips by scorning curl’d,
That day, which God is staying,
Shall ne’er o’ertake the world;
‘Tis swiftly, surely coming,
And soon it will be here;
Portentous signs are looming,
That men may heed and fear.
Still God, with much long-suffering
Prolongs the day of grace;
His great salvation off’ring,
For faith’s assur’d embrace.
Oh! heed His invitation,
Believe on Jesus’ name;
Then thine is full salvation
From sin, its woe and shame.