The Conscience: June 2000

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
When man sinned in the garden of Eden, he received a conscience, that is, the knowledge of good and evil. Everyone has a conscience. Even people who do not have a Bible know it is wrong to steal, because they have a conscience. But we need more than the conscience to know what is pleasing to God. The Apostle Paul was persecuting Christians and yet he could say, “I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day” (Acts 23:1). Our conscience needs to be enlightened by the Word of God.
1. The spirit of man, or his conscience, is referred to as the candle of the Lord. What can this candle do? Proverbs 20:___
2. How is a believer in Christ to hold the mystery of the faith?
1 Timothy 3:___
3. What has the blood of Christ, who offered Himself without spot to God, done for our conscience? Hebrews 9:___
4. What does the Spirit say about the consciences of those who will depart from the faith in the latter times? 1 Timothy 4:___
5. Even though we are falsely accused and spoken of as evildoers, what kind of a conscience should we always maintain? 1 Peter 3:___