3. People who may think of becoming disciples, as well as disciples, ought to know that the cross is the disciple's present portion. In Mark 8:34, we find the same account as above: but it is added here that He "called the people with his disciples also," which shows how He wishes those who think of becoming disciples to know it is present suffering they come to. Unless a man does see what Christ has to give, in reality, and from what to deliver, he had better stop a moment ere he says, " I will be thy disciple." Stop and count the cost. But let him also, while so stopping, count both sides of the question;-what the issue will be if he tarries where he is; that is, what fearful wrath is coming on the place, and how there he cannot have the kingdom and glory which Christ gives to those that come to Him; and then let him look to it, that he set not out on the way in his own strength.
In Luke 9:23, Peter's objection to Jesus' suffering is not mentioned; which shows that that was not the whole reason for the Lord's remark. And that this is the principle of discipleship is proved again by the Lord's saying to the rich young man, " Come take up thy cross daily and follow me." (Mark 10:21.)