ONE of the many occupations that add to the joys of childhood, is the making of wreaths.
When I was a child I often strung oak-leaves together with their own stems for pins, and braided clover into wreaths. One of the girls in our picture has a wreath of flowers around her head and she is adorning her sister’s hair with more of the flowers.
Dear children, does this wreath or crown of flowers remind you of a crown about which you have read in the Bible? If you do not remember, you will find it in the twenty-seventh chapter of Matthew, verse 29.
“When they had platted a crown of thorns they put it upon His head.”
Whose head, dear children? I think you all answer, “The head of Jesus.” And how would it feel to have a crown of thorns on your head? You all know, I am sure, that it would be very painful to have the cruel thorns piercing into the flesh.
Why was the blessed Saviour made to suffer in this way? Had He done wrong and did He deserve punishment? No, dear reader, you and I were the ones who did wrong. It was on account of sin that Jesus wore the crown of thorns. It was for our sins that the nails were driven through His hands and feet—sin caused Him to be spit upon, mocked and scourged. Yes, and more than this: God, Himself, turned away from His well-beloved Son because He was bearing your sins and mine. Is not your heart touched by such wonderful love? We deserved the punishment, but Jesus bore it all that we might escape prod’s wrath and judgment.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Do you believe? The message is for you. Do you feel the need of a Saviour? He is anxious to save you. Confess to God your lost, sinful condition, and accept the salvation which He offers to you.
Jesus wore the crown of thorns, but saved by His grace, you will wear the crown of life throughout the endless ages of eternity.
ML 08/30/1903