Mark 13
As He was going out of the temple, the disciples of Jesus pointed out the magnificence of its stones and buildings. Jesus then foretold its destruction by saying that there would not be a stone unturned. This happened in 70 A.D. when the Roman legions of Titus set fire to the temple and then destroyed it stone by stone to get its melted gold.
Discourse at the Mount of Olives
Sitting on the mount of Olives, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked privately, "Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?" As usual, the disciples learned more than they asked.
First, Jesus warned His disciples to be careful lest they be deceived. Many would be deceived by some pretending that they were Christ. Wars and rumors of wars were not the end. The rising up of nations and kingdoms one against another, earthquakes, famines and trouble would only herald the beginning of sorrows.
The Great Tribulation
Although the great tribulation would fall on Israel, the Gentiles would pass through the hour of temptation (Rev. 3:10) at about the same time. The disciples would be beaten and delivered up to councils and be brought before kings for the Lord's sake, as a testimony against them.
The gospel will be preached among all nations (of the prophetic earth). (During the millennial day, all of the world will hear the gospel of the kingdom; Isa. 11:9.) The preachers shall not meditate beforehand on what they shall say, because they will be given words at the right time, seeing that it is not they but the Holy Spirit that speaks.
Entire households will be pitted one against another; some will be put to death. The disciples will be hated of all nations for Christ's sake. Those who endure to the end shall be saved; others will succumb to idolatry. All believers endure to the end except the martyrs. The end is the millennium. The martyrs have a heavenly portion.
It has been said that all of the world will be idolatrous, except those who believe the gospel of the kingdom. This will be after the Church is taken up. The setting up of the abomination of desolation (idolatry) in the holy place (Dan. 9:27) will be the sign to flee to the mountains, for there will be desolation by a desolator-the Assyrian.
In Dan. 11:31, "the abomination that maketh desolate" is spoken of also, but it takes place before the events of Dan. 9:27. What was done in Dan. 11 was done by a heathen king, but it helps us to understand what is meant by the expression "the abomination of desolation." History suggests that at that time, because of hatred for the holy place of God's house, this king sacrificed a swine on the altar. Some have thought that the abomination in the holy place was the beast of Rome, but he has nothing to do with Jerusalem at the time of the heathen king. Besides, he does not appear until near the end of the tribulation. Others have thought that it is the antichrist, but he does not appear as such until after the beast of Rome appears. The term "abomination of desolation" does not refer to a man (idol) standing in the holy place, but merely to idolatry.
When it is time to flee, those who are on the housetop are not to enter or return to the house for any reason. They are to flee. Those in the field should not turn back to retrieve anything; they are to flee in haste. It is the Assyrian (the King of the North) and his allies who will attack.
It will be difficult for a mother with children. They are to pray that the time to flee will not be in winter. The affliction will be greater than ever has been or ever will be again. Except the Lord shortens the number of days none will be saved; for the sake of the elect, the days will be shortened. There will be false Christs and at the end false prophets who would seduce, if it were possible, the very elect with signs and wonders (Rev. 13).
After the Tribulation
The sun (the supreme ruler on the earth at that time; Dan. 7) shall be darkened, then his kingdom will crumble and he will be destroyed by the Lord's coming out of heaven (2 Thess. 1:7-9).
"And the moon shall not give her light." The "moon" is the subordinate power, the antichrist, the leader of the Jewish apostasy, who deceives the nations. He shall be frightened, then run to his doom, together with the western powers at Armageddon (Zech. 11:17).
'The stars of heaven" are the ten kings reduced to seven when the little horn (the personal beast) comes into power. They will turn to apostasy before being destroyed at Armageddon (Rev. 19).
The powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. These are the angels who will be relieved of their duties over the universe to take up their new position as keepers of the gates of the city, new Jerusalem. The universe from then on will be under Christ and the Church (Rev. 21:12,22,23).
Christ will gather the elect (the ten tribes), after the kingdom is set up in Judah, at Jesus' coming to the mount of Olives (Zech. 12:7;14:4; Isa. 27:6).
The Fig Tree—Israel As a Nation
When the branch is tender, the two tribes repent (Joel 2:13-17). Then the ten tribes return weeping (Jer. 50:4). Following this, the leaves come-the glory of the nation. Finally, summer comes-the millennial day. On some figs, the fruit appears before the leaves. Repentance Is the fruit.
Even though heaven and earth will pass away, the Lord's words will never pass away. Only the Father knows the time. The disciples are to watch and pray as the time draws near.
Christ is as one on a journey who commands his servants to watch, giving them authority in his absence. The porter is commanded to watch. Otherwise the Lord might find His disciples sleeping-so watch.