By The Editor January, 1916
I ASKED God for my message from Himself for January, 1916. He gave it to me from His Holy Word—yes, straight from heaven it came, a strength and glory to my soul.
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psa. 119:11).
One has said, “The Word of God was the only rule of life to our Lord Jesus Christ,” and it should be the only rule of life for us. “He was one with the Father. He shared from all eternity His counsels. He knew in all things the mind and will of God. So surely the Son could have no occasion for the written law.... But it became Him, in taking upon Him the nature of man, to fulfill all righteousness, not after the secret counsels of His omniscience, but according to the rule laid down for us.” So constantly we hear from the Saviour’s lips, “It is written.” He had hidden the Word in His heart.
When speaking of the coming failure of His disciples and their forsaking Him, He says: “For it is written, I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.” When He drives the money-changers from the temple, He says: “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer.” When tempted by the devil in the wilderness, He answers him, through all his assaults, with the word of God, “It is written.” And when, after His resurrection, He meets the two on the road to Emmaus, He does not tell them anything apart from the Word of God. It says: “And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures, the things concerning Himself.” And in His last interview with His disciples, when He stood on the threshold of the Father’s house, He does not tell them the secrets of the grave through which He had passed, or the glories He was going to see, but what He did was “to open their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures.”
O blessed Lord, may we follow in Thy footsteps as to this throughout this year. Open Thou our understanding; give us the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the Scriptures. Thou halt told us to “search the Scriptures,” and that they testify of Thee. Oh! may we hide Thy Word in our hearts―that the washing of water by the Word may purify our hearts by faith―that no moral death may come to us, but the plenitude of power from Thyself who wast and art the “Word made flesh”―the “Word of life.” Thus by the action of the Holy Spirit within us may we be made to live and move in the power of Thy risen, endless life.
And so I thanked God for giving me the keynote for the song of my life this year; for writing on the book of my life the golden words, “Search the Scriptures,” “They testify of Me,” and I trust as the months of the year pass on, if I am here, that I may be able to say, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.”
And God has taught me also that I must not rest until thousands have read and believed His Word. It is the only safeguard for the soul of man. The Word is a light to scatter the darkness of superstition and false doctrine―a lamp to shine upon the pathway of the Christian. I can see all things by the light of Scripture, but all is dark without it. We must test everything by the Word of God. We must see to it that as far as it lies in our power, and we are more responsible than we think we are, every soldier and sailor shall have a copy of the Word of God, or a portion of it.
We must work together for this, you and I, dear reader, this year. You must send me the Scriptures, or the means to get them, and then I will seek to spread your gift far and wide for the good of our fellow-men and the glory of our God.
A Soldier’s Letter
I received this letter today, and I ask you to pray for the dear soldier that wrote it. He says: ― “The other day I happened to pick up one of your Testaments, and noticing on the fly-leaf your offer to help any who wanted to find Christ, I make so bold as to ask you to give me a little aid to do so. Since I have been out here I have been through some of the fiercest battles that have ever been fought, and have always felt His presence with me, but I expect you know what temptations there are in a soldier’s way. I have stumbled at some and resisted others. If you, my dear unknown friend, can help me in any way spiritually I shall deem it a great honor. I am associated with a few God-fearing friends, or rather comrades, here, and if by any way you would be so kind as to send me a few religious books or leaflets I am sure your kindness will be appreciated by them as well as by myself.... Thanking you in anticipation.”
Another writes: ― “Would you be kind enough to send me one of your khaki Testaments as I have not got one. Dear sir, the reason why I would like one of your Testaments is because I am cook, and cannot get to divine service on Sundays as I have to make the ‘dinner for the troops.”
Another on his way to the Front writes: ― “When coming from England I was handed one of your Scripture tracts. I should very much like to be the owner of one of your khaki Testaments, and should be very grateful if you could spare me one.”
A bomber writes: ― “Please forward me one of your khaki Testaments.” A private writes for himself and three of his comrades, “Will you, kindly forward one of your khaki Testaments for me and my friends.” Another in the R.A.M.C. asks on behalf of himself and his chum. Another private has a Testament, but it is too big for his tunic pocket. He has seen one I have sent to his chum, and wants one like it. Another private asks for one and promises to read a portion of it every day. A lance corporal writes for four of his comrades who all want Testaments.
And so the want grows day by day. They want the Word of God, and they must have it.
A Splendid Gift
A Christian write: ― “I have taken the liberty of writing the British and Foreign Bible Society to send direct to you one thousand of the khaki Testaments, and there will be a few here who will pray that God will use them greatly.”
They came, and they have gone upon their way to the Front, and God will bless them I am sure―and the sender also. I want THIRTY friends to do the same, and I know where to send them all.
A worker writes: ― “We were delighted to get the box of books (see last page of “Message”) you sent. I know of one who accepted Christ on the occasion of his receiving a Testament which you had sent.” Another who had a box writes: ― “If you could have seen the eagerness with which the young soldiers accepted the Testaments last night it would have cheered you.... If you can spare more Testaments I will thank you very much. It is a grand work, and the Lord will reward you.”
An earnest Christian cheer us by saying: ― “We thank you very much for the parcel safely to hand.... You might tell your friends who are helping that they will never know the good that is being accomplished down here. Eternity alone will reveal the multitude of souls born again, built up in the faith, and kept from evil. May all your need be supplied for this most urgent and needy work which you have undertaken. God grant it for Christ’s sake.”
Appeal for 1916
I get hundreds of letters similar to those I have quoted from— letters that can only be properly answered by the help of God’s people. I want to cheer your hearts, dear friends, at the commencement of 1916 in order that you may help to give me the thirty thousand khaki Testaments I am needing now.
I want them for the glory of God and for the salvation of the lost. Will you send me the £5 to buy one thousand?