The Diary of a Soul

In the Editor
“The Last Gospel Call in a Passing World”
Read Heb. 1
THE appealing love of God could never have a higher manifestation than in His speaking to the world in a Son. God in Christ. We are brought face to face with this fact in This dispensation, that we must either accept or reject God’s personal appeal. No longer by men or angels is the world warned or invited now—but God, in the person of His Son, Himself comes down to speak to men. (Heb. 1:1.)
Then what an awful sin to refuse to listen! What an overwhelming responsibility does the unsaved sinner take upon himself if he slights the personal dealing of God with him! Shall I not listen when God speaks? Shall I not come when God invites? Shall I not obey when God commands? Shall I not take what God offers? What a stupendous act of mercy it is for the holy, infinite God to deal individually with us for our eternal good!
Think of it! God has been on this earth, manifested in flesh, speaking to the world in a Son, by a life lived, by a death endured, by a resurrection accomplished, by an ascension manifested, and by a glory promised. God comes into a man’s life and tells that man He loves him. There is no excuse for that man if he slights the love of God. “God commendeth His love toward us.” God loves you. Do you love God? Many of you would rather believe that God hated you than that He loved you. It is easier for some to hate than to love; it seems more in accordance with human frailty.
Many find it difficult honestly to love those that love them, especially if it entails any self-sacrifice; but to love our enemies, to love those who will not have our love, but do despite to it, this is beyond man.
God in Christ could say, “Forgive them, they know not what they do.” The act of complete forgiveness is a Godlike act, and only God can do it. He does do it when we, by Christ, believe on Him.
Reader; this is God’s last appeal. God is speaking, God is inviting, God is blessing, God is waiting to bless you. God will have His heaven full, and it is filling fast. When the last soul is saved, and every seat is taken at the banquet of eternal love, then the Lord will come. Oh! what do I see? The house is filled; the Lord has come; the door is shut, and where are you? Inside, or outside—of that closed door? Did the angel of mercy find you and lead you to the feast? Or did you refuse to come, and answer love’s appeal with trivial reasons for delay?
I know this, that every one of my readers will, for all eternity, be either inside or outside of heaven. The last appeal is sounding in your ears. God in Christ is speaking to you at this moment. “What think ye of Christ?” Is He the Saviour you need? Is His finished work necessary and sufficient for your salvation? Is He the One who can save you, or do you look for another?
You will find no other, for there is no other. “There is no other Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” O, wounded hands of Jesus! rest on my reader now, and beckon him to heaven! O, riven side of Jesus! from whence came out the blood and water, give life and cleansing to poor unsaved ones now! Thy blood, blest Saviour, Thy precious blood, cleanseth from all sin!