By The Editor
WE begin with 1921 our thirty-seventh year of the publication of the “Message from God.” We are thankful to God for enabling us to continue this work for Him for so long a period. Brown hair has changed to gray since we began this work for God; the golden summer of life’s meridian has passed into the softened glow of eventide; around us the vesper hymn is sounding and the skies of life are shining with the light of eventide. The passing of the year makes us feel not only the limitations of human life, but the need of prayer. A Christian says, “Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God.” Another tells us that, “if there should arise one utterly believing man of prayer the history of the world might be changed.” One in heaven has left this record behind him, “A Christian cannot always hear, or always read, or always communicate, but he may pray continually. No place, no company, can deprive him of this privilege.... Wherever he is, prayer will not be out of place, or wherever prayer is out of place there he ought not to be. Every saint is God’s temple, ‘and he that, carrieth his temple about him may go to prayer when he pleaseth.’”
Then let us enter the New Year with prayer upon our lips mingled with thanksgiving. As the Rev. H. W. Frost has told us: ―
“Nothing so pleases God in connection with our prayer as our praise... and nothing so blesses the man who prays as the praise which he offers. I got a great blessing once in China in this connection. I had received bad and sad news from home, and deep shadows had covered my soul. I prayed, but the darkness did not vanish. I summoned myself to endure, but the darkness only deepened. Just then I went to an inland station and saw on the wall of the mission home these words: ‘Try Thanksgiving.’ I did, and in a moment every shadow was gone, not to return. Yes, the Psalmist was right, ‘It is a good thing to give thanks unto thy Lord.’”
We shall want much prayer this year. Prayer for ourselves and prayer for others. The two following letters have just come. May our prayers arise for the writers. One writes: ―
“Dear Sir, ―I have been reading your booklet called ‘A Message from God.’ My mother sent it to me about a fortnight ago. I thought of writing then, but put it off, the same as I do the Lord Jesus Christ. I have Christian parents, but I am far too much of a coward to ask them what I am going to ask you, and that is, will you pray that I might learn to love the Lord Jesus with all my heart, soul and mind?
.. I know I am a great sinner, and I often wish I was a Christian.... Why can some love the Lord and not others, as we cannot help our feelings?... I read the ‘Boy’s Appeal,’ and I thought perhaps if I wrote to you, you would please do the same for me.... I thank you so much for something I am sure you will do for me.”
Another writes: ―
“Dear Brother, ―Please will you pray for me that I may be freed from a terrible, uncontrollable habit of worrying, caused largely through nerve trouble, aggravated by continuous difficulties. I feel that to others it must often appear as temper, and it grieves me to think that it may be bringing discredit on His dear name. ―From One who loves Him.”
We hope to be a great help to many this year.