By The Editor an Accumulation of Horrors
WE are living in the most awful days this world has ever experienced, and we are on the eve of the most stupendous event the world has ever known, the Cross excepted. The apostle Peter speaks of “last days” and of “perilous times,” and we are living in these days and times now Every believer and unbeliever is concerned in what is about to happen. There is an event that may transpire at any moment. It is this the Lord Jesus Christ may come for His people today. There is actually nothing to hinder His coming. No one can say the hour when He will come, but every Christian on earth has a right to say that He may come at any moment.
More than nineteen centuries ago Jesus Christ came into this world, the manifestation of God’s love to man. “God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son that whosoever, believeth in Him should not perish but heave everlasting life.” The world cast Christ out and the heavens have received Him. He has been at the right hand of God for more than nineteen hundred years. Jesus is not here today because the world would not have Him. “Away with Him” was the cry; “we won’t have this Man to reign over us.”
He was rejected, crucified and slain, and the world that, could do that to the Son of God is capable of descending to the lowest depths of sin, and to carry out the mandates of the devil in every way. You, my reader, belong to a world that has crucified the Son of God. Not only that, but unless you, repent truly of this awful crime and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as having died to save you, “you lie under the full guilt of that act.” Mr. Brownlow North wrote on the blank page of his New Testament the words, “Brownlow North, a man whose sins crucified the Son of God.” But he had learned to rest upon the atoning work of Christ for his salvation, and rejoiced in the righteousness of God which was now upon him as a believer. My reader, can you write beneath your signature, “My sins crucified the Son of God”? And can you say through faith in His atoning work on the cross for you, “The Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
A great fact faces you, solemnly spoken of by a dear Christian now in heaven. He says: ― “Oh, what an accumulation of horrors will overtake those who, having missed their soul’s salvation in this day of grace, will have been left behind for judgment at the coming of the Lord for His saints.”
Those who are left behind will have to face the Great Tribulation and the awful power of the Antichrist, the Beast; and the false prophet; a trinity of evil, energized by the devil to relentless opposition to God and to Christ. The horrors that are filling the world to-day will be as nothing compared to the fearful tyranny that will oppress the human race then. And the end of all for the unbeliever is the Great White Throne, and the Lake of Fire. Man’s boasted progress to-day is taking him further and further from God, and making him more and more a willing captive of sin and Satan.
Unbeliever! if Christ comes to-day you will be lost forever. You will be left behind in darkness while the saints dwell in light. You will be left under the power of sin to await the death that never dies, while eternal life is the portion of the people of God. And the doom of the world will be thy doom, and because thou would’st not believe in the only One who could save thee from the wrath to come, that wrath in all its unsparing severity shall fall upon thee. Haste thee to Christ now, if thou would’st escape the judgment of all things here.