Genesis informs us that Creation was completed in six days, and that God rested on the seventh.
This corresponds with the dispensations: the millennium forming the seventh period.
The eighth day, in scripture, always has reference to the resurrection, or new state: so with the eighth or eternal period. Observe this: we have
1. The Adamic dispensation. Man in innocency.
2. Man fallen. God's grace in giving promise.
3. Noahic. Government after the judgment of the flood.
4. Abrahamic or Patriarchal. Separation from idolatry.
5. Mosaic. The Law.
6. The Gospel. Heaven opened to faith. Heb. 10:19-25.
7. The Millennial. Heaven opened to sight. John 1:51.
8. The Eternal. The NEW Heavens and NEW Earth. Rev. 21:1-5.
W. C. B.