We are led to look at our Lord Jesus, and through a succession of conditions we see in Him man presented to God with infinite, though varied, delight and satisfaction. I have long since traced Him in the following way as man in all perfection:
Born. The material, so to speak, moral and physical, is presented in Jesus as the born one. He was a taintless sheaf of the human harvest. In Him, man was perfect as man (Luke 1:35).
Circumcised. Jesus in this respect was under the law and He kept it, of course, to all perfection. Man in Him was thus perfect as under law (Luke 2:21).
Baptized. In this character, Jesus is seen bowing
to the authority of God, owning Him in His dispensations, and man in Him is perfect in all
righteousness, as well as under law (Luke 3:21).
Anointed. As anointed, Jesus was sent forth to service and testimony. In this respect, man is seen in Him perfect as a servant (Luke 3:22).
Devoted. Jesus surrendered Himself to God, and left Himself in His hand to do to His utmost will and pleasure. In Him man was, therefore, perfect as a sacrifice (Luke 22:19, 20).
Risen. This begins a series of new conditions in which man is found. This is the first stage of the new estate. John 12:24 intimates a new course in man, as here said. The corn of wheat, having fallen into the ground and died, is now capacitated to be fruitful. Man in the risen Jesus is in life which cannot be annulled.
Glorified. The risen Man, or man in life which cannot be annulled, wears a heavenly image. The new man has a new, or glorious, body.
Reigning. The risen and glorified Man receives in due season authority to execute judgment. Dominion is His. The lost dominion of man is regained, only in a better and fuller way.
Scripture leads us through this series of contemplations on the Son of man. And though I speak here of the Man, as elsewhere I did of the divine glory, yet I do not divide the Person. Throughout all, it is "God manifest in the flesh" we have before us.
We need to walk softly over such ground, and not to multiply words. On so high a theme, precious to the loving, worshiping heart, we may remember what is written, "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin." Pro. 10:19.