The Divine Type Destroyed

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Moreover, woman stepping out of her place is the destruction of the type as to man and woman illustrating Christ and the church. We read:
But the reader may point out that there is provision made in Scripture for women praying and prophesying (see 1 Cor. 11); that Philip's daughters prophesied (it never says they prophesied before Paul, as many state); that women labored with Paul in the Gospel, and inquire if this does not prove their right to public ministry.
It leaves room for very happy, blessed service. Would there were more of it! But it clearly does not include ministry in the assembly, or public testimony before a mixed audience of men and women. If it did, Scripture would contradict itself. If the Holy Ghost led women to such service, He would lead them to violate Scripture given by the same Holy Ghost, which would be unthinkable.
It may be urged women evangelists have been much owned of God. Yes, that is true, but it is no proof that they were right, and in all possibility they would have been owned still more if their service had been kept within lawful bounds. " To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams."
Ample room is left for the ministry of women among women a n d children, mothers' meetings, Sunday school work, etc., besides the helping of the Lord's servants in a similar way to which the women labored with Paul.
The comfort and encouragement an active, godly, Christian women moved by love to Christ and souls, and yet governed by Scripture-can render is incalculable. When we meet such we profoundly respect them.
Mary anointed the Lord for His burial. Martha served the Lord right well. Phebe was a servant of the church, and a succorer of many. Lydia entertained the Apostle Paul in her house. Priscilla, subject to the headship and leadership of her husband, helped Apollos to understand the way of God more perfectly. Women labored with Paul in the Gospel. Would that the descendants of these godly women were found in every city and village in the world! Happy, blessed service! There is no room for women to repine at the divine restrictions set on their service. There is more work for them to do than they can ever overtake.
Let Christian women rise from their study of Scripture determined, by God's grace, tc carry out its instructions as to their relation to man; to illustrate by their conduct the wonderful truth of Christ and the church; to be individually a protest against the lawless spirit of the age; to glory in the wonderful and unique place which is theirs Then will God be glorified. Then will their true usefulness be available to the full. Then will Christian men profoundly respect them, and be helped and influenced by them, and find out what that truly wonderful word, HELPMEET-which alone belongs to woman-means.
A.J. Pollock
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