The Dying Infidel's Wife.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
IT is now a little more than a year ago that the wife of an avowed infidel lay dying. Along with her husband, she had imbibed those soul-destroying doctrines so rife in the present day. But the approach of death had awakened fears that infidelity could not allay, and she became alarmed as the sins of her life rose up before her.
About this time a servant of God was passing through the town, and some Christians who knew of the case asked him to call upon her. He did so, and, on reaching the house, the door was opened by the sister of the infidel. He inquired for Mr. S―, who was not at home; then asked to see his wife, adding, “Can I speak to her about the Lord Jesus Christ?” The request was met by a point-blank refusal, and he was about to retrace his steps with a heavy heart, when another woman appeared and said, “Just wait a moment, I’ll ask Mrs. S― if she wouldn’t like to see you.”
This dear woman had overheard the previous conversation from the sick-room adjoining, and, being a true believer in the Lord Jesus, felt anxious for the welfare of her dying neighbor. So saying, she quickly disappeared, returning in another moment with an answer in the affirmative. Unheeding the dark look of displeasure that now crossed the countenance of the first woman, the preacher stepped in, and stood at the bedside of the poor sufferer. “She’s very, very low,” whispered the kind-hearted friend, “and can’t bear more than a few words.”
Bending down close to her ear, slowly he repeated the following well-known lines: ―
“God in mercy sent His Son,
To a world by sin undone;
Jesus Christ was crucified,
‘Twas for sinners Jesus died.”
A nod of assent, and a faint smile that lit up her pallid features, told that the speaker’s words had been heard and understood; whilst the latter, with heart uplifted to God to bless the message, took his departure and went on his way.
The truth contained in the little verse quoted was just what that dying soul wanted, and God was pleased to bless it to her. The love of God, and the death of His Son for poor sinners, was indeed welcome news to her. Her dying faith laid hold of it, and at once her conscience found rest. A few days after she passed away, having given evidence of the peace that filled her soul.
My reader, has the arch-enemy of souls succeeded in leading you too to accept (outwardly, at least) these doctrines of infidelity? Infidelity, you know, can question anything and everything, but is able to prove nothing. It cannot get rid of the solemn fact that DEATH you will have to face, and (ion you must meet. What comfort could it impart to that troubled soul in the dark hour of death? None! What will it give you? NONE!!
But let me ask you, friend, a simple question. Amidst the whirl of pleasure, the vices of sin, the rush of business, or it may be the cold speculations of reason, does not the still small voice of conscience whisper within, “Perhaps it’s true after all”? As you read these lines, stop and consider.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). The love of God has given His Son to die for sinners on the cross, and if you only believe (i.e., put your trust as a poor sinner in Him as your Saviour), everlasting life is yours.
“All who in His name believe,
Everlasting life receive;
Lord of all is Jesus now,
Every knee to Him must bow.”
W. R. P.
BACON gave grand advice when he said, “Never let what you don’t understand upset what you do. What you do understand is based on knowledge, whereas what you don’t understand is connected with ignorance.” Forgetfulness of this principle has led many a soul to shipwreck of faith. Meeting with difficulty in Scripture is no reason for rejecting it all. Reason is no help or guide, but faith in God will always keep the soul steady, and, in time, God will make all clear.
W. T. P. W.