The Election

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
It's election time again. On every level—city, county, state, all the way up to the national election for: he president of the country—people are deciding how to vote, which choices to make.
You may cast your vote for the winner, or you may see your candidate lose, or you may not vote at all. Life is full of decisions, but there is one decision and one vote that you cannot evade. The issues are of far greater importance to you than the issues of this election year. In fact, the eternal future of your soul is at stake. Perhaps you have already cast your vote for the only Man who can completely satisfy the longings of your soul... the only Man who can promise you the forgiveness of sins, peace with God and eternal life. If you have already "voted" for the Lord Jesus Christ, He is your Lord and Savior and by faith you have become a child of God.
But perhaps you have never voted or pledged your allegiance to the Lord Jesus, the Son of God. Perhaps 'on have decided that you would put it off until some nore convenient day.
Friend, the time is short. You cannot be neutral in he matter of your soul's salvation! Either you cast your vote for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, or you are actually voting for His enemy, Satan. ("He that is not with Me is against Me.") No room for fence-sitting here!
"What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be,
Someday your heart will be asking,
What will He do with me?"