The Eleventh Hour

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Ed was an exemplary husband, a good father, and all that one could wish for as a first rate citizen. Satisfied with himself, he rarely gave God a thought, and certainly looked upon his prospects as just all right.
Some years after he married, his wife was converted— truly born again. The change in her rather upset Ed for a while, but he soon learned to take it in his stride. However, when any Christian spoke to him of his need of being saved, he always received such a word with a smile and a shrug of the shoulders. He was still "just all right."
A number of years passed by. Ed began to go downhill physically, and the doctors were unable to diagnose his condition. Finally Ed became so ill that he was rushed to the hospital where his friends were forbidden to see him. Thus cut off from the world, Ed was cast upon the Lord and forced to "look up." In a few weeks he passed away into eternity.
Now at the funeral came the comforting word that Ed's illness had been used of God to bring him to Himself. The minister who spoke at the service was a true child of God; and as he read the 23rd Psalm, he mentioned that, being a minister, he had been able to visit Ed in the hospital when others were denied the privilege. He had read this precious psalm to sick, helpless Ed in his extremity, and had asked him if he could say for himself that "the Lord is MY Shepherd."
"Yes," he said; "I can really say now that the Lord is my Shepherd. I am trusting in Him as my Savior."
What joy this brought to the sorrowing heart of the dear wife! What a fulfillment of her hopes and prayers!—yet not as she had hoped, but as God Himself had brought about.
Of course, the minister then appealed to each one present to receive Christ so that they too could say: "The Lord is MY Shepherd;" and we too would say, do not put off this question. You may not have the same opportunity that Ed had.
Friend, say not, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow ye may die"—but cry from your heart: "Lord, I believe! Help thou mine unbelief!" Mark 9:24.
"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.