IT is some seven years since the Holy Spirit of God wrought upon me, convicting ME of sin. By way of making myself better, I joined a church choir. I was at that time serving in a public-house in Scotland, and was often made by the customers to feel how inconsistent was my position, for they would point me out, saying, “What a hypocrite! working in a whiskey shop, and on the Sabbath singing in the church choir!” After about six weeks, I could stand it no longer, and gave up the situation. A fortnight later, I was staying with my mother, whose house was near a public hall, where gospel meetings were being held. At her request I went off to hear, and was much struck by the earnestness of the speaker, who is now with the Lord.
One evening, when alone in the house, God met me. I was reading through the first three chapters of Romans, and repeating some of the verses again and again; and having done this I spoke to God, and owned with deep repentance that in His word there was the very record of my real state before Him. Then the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, brought to my mind these words, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” I was enabled to take God at His word, there and then, and, blessed be His name, He has proved to me that His word is from everlasting to everlasting unchangeable.
This happened some years ago, and God has enabled me to earn an honest living, and He has kept my soul in peace. R. S. McF.