“And when he was come near, he beheld the city and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace, but now they are hid from thine eyes.” Luke 19:41, 42.
“If thou hadst known!” Ο thrilling cry of love!
The Savior’s groan o’er mercies past away!
The mournful grieving of the Holy Dove
That hovered still where peace still sought to stay.
“ If thou hadst known!” But guilty Zion slept
Her dark death-slumber: Jesus watched and wept!
“If thou hadst known!” Ο agony of grief!
Love’s patient labor, vainly, vainly spent!
Impending woe foreseen — divine relief
Refused, despised in Him Jehovah sent.
“If thou hadst known!” But Zion would not hear;
‘Twas naught to her that Jesus lingered near.
“Hid from thine eyes!” Alas, alas for thee!
Thy visitation’s hour thou didst not know!
Messiah thou hast nailed to the tree;
Naught save the cross awarding Him below;
If thou hadst known what Jesus came to bring,
Thou hadst not, Israel, crucified thy King!
“Hid from thine eyes!” Ο wilt thou never learn
His quenchless love who came the lost to save?
Wilt thou reject Him still at His return,
Or, sleeping, dream that Christ is in the grave?
Ah! no, the voice that triumphed o’er the tomb,
Shall wake the dead, Death’s driest tree shall bloom!
“If thou hadst known!” Ye weep but we rejoice,
Lord Jesus! as thy lowly path we trace.
Thy scattered sheep shall hear the Shepherd’s voice,
And Israel’s guilt shall magnify thy grace.
For, oh! the cross, that tells abroad our shame,
High over all, reveals thy saving Name!