The Everlasting Kingdom of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
(2 Peter 1:11.)
HE reigns—His blessed kingdom spreads
From sea to sea, from shore to shore;
He who for us, on Calvary bruised,
God's righteous wrath unwavering bore.

Oh, wondrous grace! that lowly Man,
Who in our nature felt the rod;
Hear it, ye heavens! give ear, O earth!
That Sufferer was the Son of God!

Yea, God Himself, the great God-man,
Messiah, Christ, the eternal Lord;
Predestined to receive at length
This kingdom as His bright reward.

And now 'tis come—on David's throne,
The false one into darkness hurled:
The Holy One shines forth at last,
The Light, the Sovereign of the world.

But oh, a joy, a higher joy,
A glory far transcending this
Is His—His portion here above,
His guerdon in these realms of bliss.

That guerdon is His royal bride,
His loved, His ransomed, and His own;
Chief object of His heart's deep joy,
Beside Him here upon the throne.

Chosen in Him, beloved of God,
Ere Adam sinned, ere time began;
For her He gave His life away,
A weary, suffering, martyred Man.

O matchless love! what wonder now
That thus these ransomed hosts should raise,
In memory of His dying love,
Their anthems of unwearied praise.

What marvel that you peopled earth,
And choral heavens above should sing
Of Him the church's glorious Head,
Of Israel's Offspring, Israel's King?

Oh 'tis His due—that worthy One
Tastes now the fruit of love's blest ways;
Eternal is His joy in us,
Eternal is our song of praise.