The Excursionist's Question

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HOW far is it to hell?” The profane question was asked of a policeman by one of three excursionists, who, in a half-drunk condition were sauntering along the esplanade of a favorite watering-place on the coast.
The officer was shocked at the ungodliness of the youth, whose companions evidently were half-ashamed of his conduct and apologized on his behalf. Looking the careless man full in the face, he said:
“Hell is at the end of a Christless life, and you may be nearer to it than you think. Prepare to meet thy God.”
This was more than they had expected, so without a word, they turned and hastened away.
That night a lifeless form was picked up on the sea-shore; it was that of the scoffing excursionist. Hell was nearer than he had counted on, and he had reached it sooner than he had thought.
Reader, do not forget that “Hell is at the end of a Christless life, and you may be nearer to it than you think.”
Is it at the end of yours? Pause and consider! On which road are you traveling? The broad or the narrow? The way of holiness, or the path of sin?
If you die unconverted in your sins, you will be in that hell as sure as God has said it.
“Prepare to meet thy God.”
It is madness to tread the way to hell, and expect to find yourself in heaven at last. In order to reach God’s heaven, you need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for by grace are ye saved, and made fit through Christ for that holy place, the dwelling place of God, the royal palace of the King of kings, the home of apostles, saints and angels. You cannot go from the haunts of sin to the heaven of God. No, never. Apart from this there is no fitness, no holiness, no heaven. The heaven of God, the home of the redeemed, is at the end of a Christian life,—no other. And that life begins at the cross, by beholding the lamb of God.
“Acquaint now thyself with Him, and he at peace: thereby good shall come to thee.” Job 22:21.
ML 09/14/1924