At the time of the American Civil War, the report of a battle with heavy losses came to hand. A Quaker named John Hartman, went immediately to headquarters, and asked, “Has my son, John Hartman, answered to his name?” “No,” was the reply “he must be on the field among the wounded.” The old man went with a lantern over the stricken field, looking into face after face to try and discover his son. Suddenly the wind blew out the light in the lantern, and he could see no more. But undaunted, he cried out, “John Hartman, it is your father! it is your father! “One wounded soldier moaned aloud, “Oh, my God, that it were my father!” Still the old man pursued his sorrowing task, shouting, “John Hartman, it is your father seeks you.” At last there came a faint response “Here, father, here.” His son, sorely wounded, lay on the ground. The father stooped over him, lifted him, and carried him to a hospital. And today John Hartman lives to tell the story of his rescue. The Good Shepherd is seeking for His lost, wounded ones on the battlefield of life, calling them to their Father. God grant that they may respond to His call.