The Finger of God

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Little Arthur watched through the window as the rain came pouring down. He liked to watch it run down. the glass, as it made him feel so thankful to be dry and warm. As he looked out at the garden, he began to wish that he could go out and pick at least one of his father’s nice roses. But he had been told never to touch the flowers, and he knew he must leave them alone. But they did look so pretty.
Soon the rain was over, and. Arthur thought he would go out and at least take a better look at those roses. I think it would have been better for him to stay away from temptation, but he thought he would just look, and not touch.
It wasn’t very long before Arthur found himself bending over and smelling the rose, and then looking this and that way to see if anybody was watching. Soon he reached out and took the prickly stem in his fingers all ready to break it off. He thought he should take just one more look around, and at once saw something which made him drop the rose very quickly. You would never guess what he saw. It was a bright and beautiful rainbow. And why would that make Arthur drop the rose? Let’s watch him while he runs quickly in to his mother, and maybe we shall find out what he was thinking.
“Oh, Mother,” he said breathlessly, “God has drawn His finger right across the sky, because He was angry with me.”
Then he explained about wanting that rose, and nearly picking it.
“My son,” said his mother, “it was not God’s anger, but His love which set that rainbow in the sky. But I would have you always see the finger of God directing you from the ways of sin and disobedience.”
Arthur often thought of the finger of God after this, and it was a help to him. When he felt like being disobedient, or having his own way, he often turned to the Lord Jesus for help and strength.
We read in Exodus 8:19 that the magicians of king Pharaoh saw the finger of God in the plagues sent upon Egypt. The finger of God also wrote upon the walls of the palace of Belshazzar. But in both Pharaoh and Belshazzar’s case, they refused to obey. the finger of God and they were destroyed.
God’s finger today points to the Lord Jesus, His own beloved Son. “This is My beloved Son: hear Him.” Mark 9: 7.
Remember, dear boys and girls, that the eye of God is always upon you, and that Jesus wants to be your Saviour. “He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” John 6:47.
ML 04/16/1950