How quickly the moments are passing away,
And speeding us on our heavenly way;
‘Mid trials and sorrows we press onward still,
Assured what befalls us fulfilleth His will.
The days, and the months, and the years fly apace,
And soon we will come to the end of the race,
Where no trace of sin will disturb our repose,
Where we will be free from the worst of all foes.
At rest in the presence of Him we so love,
And all His redeemed in the glory above.
A few fleeting moments and life will be past,
And we will have reached our fair haven at last,
Our all at His feet we will gladly lay down,
And own Him as worthy of many a crown.
When time will have ended, or race fully run,
Our service completed, our work for Him done,
We’ll view with rejoicing the path we have trod,
And see carried out the wise counsels of God.
With this hope before us of soon being home,
How little we’d care for this scene where we roam.
How gladly we’d bid it farewell and arise.
And welcome the shout of our Lord in the skies.
A few fleeting moments and time will have fled.
And living believers, and those who are dead,
Be caught up together to meet in the air,
Not one will be missing, we all will be there.
Forever to lean in our Saviour’s embrace,
And know what it is to be saved by His grace.
The flight of time ended, no longer to roam,
Redeemed and Redeemer forever at HOME.