TWO beautiful horses were drawing the vehicle on which I was seated: one was red, the other white. Turning to the driver I said, " These horses, my friend, remind me of great things about to take place on the earth, and there are needed only two more to complete the representation of what I have read in that much neglected book, the Revelation of St. John.”
The driver looked surprised, and said, “Do you think we shall have war, sir?”
“I am quite sure of it, "I answered.
“Well, sir, I have not as yet heard anything about it.”
“Ah! no. Satan takes great care you shall not; but like the midnight assassin it will come suddenly. For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them (1 Thess. 5). 1TH 5 Satan tries to hide from men the knowledge of the judgments which are coming. I will endeavor to explain my meaning. In the sixth chapter of Revelation we read of FOUR HORSES, which show forth the commencement of God's righteous judgments on the earth.
“Horses in Scripture are the emblem of power. We read that the first horse is white; the second red; the third black; and the fourth pale. The white horse is the symbol of triumph and victory; the red that of war and bloodshed; the black represents scarcity and famine, the result of war; the pale horse, death, the result of famine and starvation.
“The commanding officer, speaking in a military phrase, rides on a white horse. The rider of this white horse is a very great power, and it may be the future ruler who will uphold the false prophet that will then deceive the people. In Rev. 19 REV 19we read of the Lord Jesus coming out of heaven on a white horse. He will then come as the CONQUEROR.
But Satan always seeks to imitate that which is of God. Men now will not have Christ for their Saviour, therefore they will then be carried away by the dreadful delusion of that day. The reign of Antichrist will be fearful.”
“Well, sir," said the driver," I have not heard any one speak of this before.” “Very likely, my friend.
Many do not know it themselves, for they do not read the Book of the Revelation. God says, ' Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things that are written therein; for the time is at hand' (Rev. 1:3). REV 1:3
“Sir, when will this take place?”
“Very suddenly, my friend. As I have said, when people shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them.”
“Will not a man have time to wish his friends good-bye?”
No, certainly not.”
“Then perhaps he may have time to say his prayers?”
“No, it will then be too late. Read the closing verse of the sixth chapter. They will then say to the mountains and rocks, ' Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.' Ah! how many a poor fellow has been deceived by waiting until the last moment to say his prayers! How many hope to be saved, like the thief on the cross, at the eleventh hour! But this day of grace will then be passed. ‘Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation ' (2 Cor. 6:2). 2CO 6:2Before these sad events take place all true believers will have been taken up to be with the Lord (see 1 Thess. 4:16 1TH 4:16 to the end; 1 Cor. 15:50 1CO 15:50). How dreadful the case then of those who have now heard the word, and neglected it! Let me ask you, How will it be with your soul when this day comes? Will it be heaven or hell for you?”
“I hope I shall go to heaven, sir. I have done no one any harm; but I do not think it possible for anyone to know this while they are down here.”
“.Ah! yes; the word of God tells us plainly that ' he that believeth hath eternal life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life ' (John 5:24). JOH 5:24I believe His word, and therefore am saved; so that were I to die to-night I should be with the Lord.”
“Ah! sir, I seldom go to church, and am not much of a scholar.”
“Perhaps riot, my friend, but the gospel is very plain. To the poor the gospel is preached.'”
“It will, indeed, be an awful time, sir, for those who are not prepared: I hope it will not be in my time. How fortunate for those who, are ready.”
“Yes, I am happy to say a remnant will be ready, and they will come into blessings.
Christ will come to take His great power, and reign. The Jews will then own Him as their Messiah, whom they have crucified. Perhaps, my friend, you are not aware that now all good ' people are lost; and poor lost sinners, who believe in Christ are saved?”
“I never heard that before, sir; I thought we had to do the best we could.”
“My friend, there is not one good, no not one. You cannot find me one person who cart stand before God in his own righteousness.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,' of whom the apostle Paul says, am chief'; and the Lord Himself said, came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.' Now, a poor sinner coming to Christ just as he is, will in no wise be cast out and Christ is made unto him righteousness, sanctification, and redemptions so that he can stand before God faultless. ' There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus ' (Rom. 8:1).” ROM 8:1
Arriving at our destination we separated.