The Gecko Family

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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"Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth Himself to behold the things... in the earth!" Psa. 113:5,6.
We do not want to overlook geckos in this series, for they are the most interesting part of the lizard family.
In American deserts the pretty banded gecko is plentiful. It has soft, pliable skin, large eyes, a long tongue for snatching insects and makes its home in the rocks. Another, across the world from America, is the odd fat-tailed gecko of Pakistan, with leopard-like coloring on top and on its extra-fat tail, but a plain grayish color underneath.
One of the more interesting is found in an African desert. It is beautifully colored and has paddle-like, fleshy feet provided by the Creator to help it travel over sand and probe for insects. This contrasts with the feet of most others and is covered with millions of tiny bristles surrounding little suction cups, enabling them to travel on smooth walls and upside down on ceilings. Their grip is so tight they need to pull each foot loose before taking the next step.
Because they devour so many insects, in many countries geckos become real friends in people's homes, even eating scraps at the table, as they wag their tails like a puppy in appreciation.
The chuckwalla is really a lizard that is over a foot long, similar to an iguana and, like them, is fond of the buds, flowers and foliage of creosote plants. At night all often share a creosote bush together. Their homes are in lava beds and in the rocks of American deserts.
The most interesting thing about them is the way they escape from their enemies. They crawl into a narrow rock crevice and then blow themselves up so tightly that they can't be pulled out. Where do you think they learned to do this? They didn't learn by themselves, but received this life-saving instinct from the Creator.
Covered with loose, sandpaper-like skin, chuckwallas look rather fierce, but really aren't. Although they are night workers, they can often be spotted in daylight sunning themselves on a rock—just one more of God's creatures quite satisfied with its life-style.
As we consider all these creatures, let us always remember the One of whom it is said, "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth... and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist." Col. 1:16,17. Let us always turn away from the foolish and false teaching of evolution which is so dishonoring to God. The Bible, God's account, is the only true one!