And is it true, as I am told,
That there are lambs within the fold
Of God’s Beloved Son?
That Jesus Christ, with tender care,
Will in His arms most gently bear
The helpless little one?
O, yes, I’ve heard my mother say
He never sent a child away
That scarce could walk or run:
But when the Saviour was besought
To touch the babe the parent brought,
He bless’d the little one.
And I, a little straying lamb,
May come to Jesus as I am,
Though goodness I have none;
May now be folded in His breast,
As birds within the parent nest,
And be His little one.
And He call do all this for me
Because in sorrow on the Tree
He once for sinners hung;
And having put their sins away,
He now rejoices day by day,
To bless the little one.
ML 07/14/1940